Convertible Top Hydraulic Lift Cylinder R&R
1. Power convertible top to fully lowered position.
2. Power adjacent front seat to fully forward position.
3. Remove battery cover and disconnect ground cable from battery
4. Remove rear seat cushion.
5. Remove rear seat squab.
6. Remove rear quarter casing cappings.
7. Remove rear quarter casings.
8. Remove rear speaker (premium ICE only).
9. Position trunk RH liner for access and turn hydraulic pump valve
fully counter-clockwise
to manual operation position.
10. Manually move convertible top to fully raised position.
11. Remove clip/pin assembly securing hydraulic cylinder to frame
12. Disconnect hydraulic cylinder harness multiplug ((RH (facing
forward) hydraulic cylinder only).
13. Free headlining rear quarter for access. Slacken and remove mounting
bracket cover plate
lower securing screw, position headlining for access and remove two
remaining screws.
14. Move hydraulic cylinder clear of half pivot and remove and retain
wavy washer from
15. Position a piece of absorbent cloth below hydraulic cylinder to
protect paintwork from
any fluid spillage.
16. Identify and mark position of hoses relative to hydraulic cylinder
connectors, disconnect
hoses and remove and discard 'O' ring seals.
17. Fit blanking plugs to hydraulic cylinder and hose connectors. 18. Remove hydraulic cylinder from vehicle.